Would the time and money spent on day trading and long-term investment be more intelligent?

Nikhil Patil
3 min readJun 16, 2021


On both trading Intraday and long-term, I make investments. Let’s talk to you about a few points.

A person will buy or sell a stock or contract in intraday trading in one single day, whereas long-term trading means buying today, where necessary.

Intraday trading expected returns 1–2% a day, while in Long trading, returns are generally anticipated at 2–3% a month. (Returns are subject to share price volatility)

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The risk is high intraday, but the low risk of low returns in the long term also keeps money invested safely. Therefore, only if you are able to take the risk, will the long-term investment be intraday otherwise.

Bread and butter trading is intraday, whereas investment/trading, in the long run, is savings. Investors invest, save and create wealth for the future slowly in the long term.

Photo by MayoFi on Unsplash

Those who have no work pressure or who are free to watch carts live 3–4 hours in a day may do intra-day trading. You don’t have much time to do intraday business if you are an employed professional or school student. However, if you want to trade, you can trade or swing in the short term.

How much money in intraday and long-term investment investors should use. In Intraday trading, you should use 10%-20% of your total savings and equity and you can invest 50% in long-term investments, which are still 30%.

As a rule, 90% of new traders are losing their money, compared to 90% of investors who make long-term investments, either new or old. There’s therefore a long-term go when you don’t want to lose your hard-earned money. You may be intraday trading if your capital is for intraday business or you may take risks.

You need good knowledge and experience in 10% of intra-day winners, whereas long-term investment does not require much knowledge.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The goal is to benefit from small price fluctuations over large investments to profit from daily stock trading, while the advantage of long-term investment is to slowly create wealth. It will be helpful in the future.

Do your own research or receive advice from fund advisory prior to your investment. This is my view and is not taken into account in investment.

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Nikhil Patil

Technology Blogger | Designer | Crazy about Social Media | YouTuber | I’m an Indian