Can Use of the Dark and Deep Web Put Us at Risk?

Nikhil Patil
4 min readSep 15, 2020


First of all, we need to know that the internet we know or use constitutes only 4% of the entire web. The rest 96% is completely hidden, which we know as Dark Web or Dark Net.

Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

The dark web is the dark world of the Internet, where illegal activities around the world take place. But this is not the whole truth of the Dark Web. Actually it is more frightening and mysterious than we think.

If you want to know more about the Dark Web and Deep Web, then this article is especially for you. So, you will read it completely.

What is the deep web?

If we talk about Surface Web, then it is the topmost surface of the World Wide Web, which is only 4% of the entire web.

Photo by Nahel Abdul Hadi on Unsplash

The information contained in the Surface Web can be easily searched by Search Engines. Also, it can be accessed from any normal browser like Google Chrome.

Crores of websites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Youtube exist in this Surface Web. But here only and only the person who knows his ID and password can access it.

If I say in easy language, all the information that we get on Google is present only in Surface Web. But Deep Web is that which you need id and password to access any account, ie here The work of deep web, you cannot take any personal information without any permission.

Such as — Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, NetBanking Id, etc. will be able to access the person whose ID and password will be that address.

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

In a broad sense, most of the deep web is used for legal activities. It consists of Subscription-Based and Password Protected Data, Government Documents, Confidential Documents of the Department of Defense and Finance, Documents of Security Agencies, Financial Details of Banks, Research Papers of Medical Science, Documents related to Space Research, and other similar Secret Documents. is.

Now you may be wondering why such important data is kept in Deep Web? So there is a special reason for this.

Actually, user identity and online activities in Deep Web cannot be tracked. Who are you? Where did you come from? Which website are you visiting? Nobody knows anything.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

That is, you remain completely anonymous. That’s why amazing privacy and security are found here. This is why governments and agencies around the world keep their Secret Documents in the Deep Web. Let me tell you that it is not illegal to access Deep Web.

What is the dark web?

To know the Dark Web, you have to understand about the World Wide Web (www). The World Wide Web is actually a world-class digital library (a repository of information), where information is available in the form of URLs around the world.

Photo by Kaur Kristjan on Unsplash

Just understand that all the information that you access with the help of the internet throughout the day, is available only on the World Wide Web.

This is a dark corner of the Deep Web itself, where illegal works are done all over the world. This part of the Deep Web is known as Dark Web and Black Deep Web.

Photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash

What is on the dark web? Drugs, illegal weapons, stolen goods, Humen Trafficking, Child Pornography, Credit and Debit Card details, Live Murder, trafficking of human organs, Biological Experiments, Cyber ​​Crime, and Hacking are commonly used here.

That is why it is known as the black world of the Internet. It is the most dangerous place on the Internet. And it is illegal to access it.

That is why it is said that the Dark Web is a very dangerous place where many hackers do legal and illegal work.

Hope you guys have understood the dark web and deep web easily.



Nikhil Patil

Technology Blogger | Designer | Crazy about Social Media | YouTuber | I’m an Indian